There are many different ways to learn a new language. Including Netflix and YouTube, podcasts and apps on your phone, and simple stories and books for beginners. In this course, you will discover the mindset and habits of highly-successful language learners, as well as best practices, secret hacks, and more.


    1. What to Expect

    2. Who We Are

    3. What kind of student are you?

    1. Start learning

    2. 1) Six ways to grow

    3. 2) Practicing how to practice

    4. 3) Having a growth mindset

    5. 4) Hacking language learning

    6. Keep practicing

    1. VoiceThread: Share a phrase

    2. Discussion: Share your tips

    3. The Feed

    1. Intro to this chapter

    2. We're off!

    3. World SLA Conference

    4. » Breakout Room 1: Skinner

    5. » Breakout Room 2: Chomsky

    6. » Breakout Room 3: Krashen

    7. » Breakout Room 4: Hymes and Halliday

    8. » Panel Discussion

    9. Keynote Speech

    10. Takeaways

    11. The Feed

    1. Intro to this chapter

    2. An overview

    3. A more in-depth look

    4. The ABCs of SLA

    5. The Communicative Classroom

    6. Padlet: Information Gap activities

    7. » Project: Teaching Methods Chart

    8. Padlet: My Teaching Method

    9. Go Deeper: The Secret History of Methods

    10. Discussion: Quotes About Teaching

    11. Takeaways

    12. The Feed

    1. Join the Royal Society

    2. Explore More Courses

About This Mini Course

  • Free
  • 37 lessons
  • 6+ hours of video content
  • Interactive learning activities
  • Research-based strategies